Shipping - I require that the person supply the cost for the return trip of the package in a check or money order. This will usually be around 3.50 for priority mail through USPS for packages at or less than three pounds

Basing and Clear Coating - The regular basing process is the regular flocking material. The regular coating is a coat of flat sealer. These are optional. So if you have your own style you like to give your bases the price will be lowered. If you choose to do the finishing on your own special care will be taken with the miniatures. The finished miniatures will be sent so that they are in perfect condition for when you finish the project as you see fit.

Condition of miniatures to be sent - To save painting time you can send you miniatures already assembled and primed. This will shorten the time until you receive your miniatures so you can get them back in your armies as soon as possible. This also allows you to have any pose or specific weapon you might want.

Condition on larger miniature - This is for large multi part miniature such as dragons or other large multi part metal miniature. It will be better that they are properly pinned and assembled. This is to prevent them from falling apart during shipping to me and especially back to you once the painting process is complete. This is also so the same as smaller miniatures so you can get the exact pose you would like the miniature to be in.

Updates on painting progress - If you desire to get an update on the progress of your miniatures or see a picture of the miniatures you can send me an email. I can supply a picture of the miniature at its current state and email it back to you as soon as possible.

Painting time frames - This will also be made on a project-to-project basis. Time taken is base on the same things as the painting process. If the time taken is loose the price can also be reduced. But if large amount of miniatures need to be done in a short amount of time then the cost will be greater. This will also be based on a workload level. So I will not take on more projects than I can handle and delay other peoples project for the sake of making more.